Thicker secretions tend to be most prevalent in the winter because of the dryness in the air and heating systems in homes and offices. Common causes of excess thin mucus production include: Thin and clear secretions do not typically cause much throat clearing, but can lead to coughing and hoarseness. Since it is such a broad issue, there are several factors that can affect post-nasal drip, but the type of mucus that is being produced is a good indicator of what is causing the issue. Post-nasal drip can be caused excess mucus production or the inability to clear it away. Mucus can spill into the larynx and breathing passages and result in hoarseness, coughing, sneezing and frequent throat clearing. The additional liquid in the throat may cause food and drinks to “stick” in the throat. The throat is most affected by post-nasal drip. But when production of mucus increases, it can begin thicken and build up in the back of the throat. Most of the time, the excess liquid combines with saliva and drips down the back of your throat, and you don’t even notice. Mucus performs necessary functions including trapping bacteria and moistening the airways, but overproduction can lead to some annoying side effects. In fact, it makes approximately a quart of it each day.

Your nose is almost constantly producing mucus.

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